After my target audience filled out my questionnaire I gathered the results. For the last question there was the opportunity for my demographic to add any extra thoughts of theirs. Below I’ve presented what they said using the online interactive speaking tool, Voki.

I think that these examples give a clear response of what is good about the three parts of the magazine as well as improvements that could be made.



After my target audience filled out my questionnaire I gathered the results. Here are the results for the sixth question.

These results indicate to me that quite a few of the people who took my questionnaire didn’t like the choice of colours on the double page spread, as it’s all quite low key. For the “other” category they said that I could have made the spread more eye-catching.

After my target audience filled out my questionnaire I gathered the results. Here are the results for the fifth question.

These results tell me the majority of people liked my decisions of layout and images. This proves that I chose some effective design choices when making the double page spread.

After my target audience filled out my questionnaire I gathered the results. Here are the results for the fourth question.

These results show that the around half of the people who took my questionnaire didn’t really like the colours. The “other” result told me that the majority of my audience thought that there was too much information for the page.

After my target audience filled out my questionnaire I gathered the results. Here are the results for the third question.

From these results I understand that the choices I made with the fonts, images and layout all proved popular with my demographic. This shows that the contents page was effective in these three respects.

After my target audience filled out my questionnaire I gathered the results. Here are the results for the second question.

From the results I can tell that my audience thought I needed to improve the layout of the front page. For the “other” result, they said that I could have added some more information.

After my target audience filled out my questionnaire I gathered the results. Here are the results for the first question.

As you can see, the choice of fonts and colours were both liked the most. This shows that my choices were effective.

To gain an understanding of my audience’s thoughts on my final product I decided to make a questionnaire. Below is what the questionnaire looks like.


Questionnaire feedback

December 7, 2011


My first question asked about peoples’ preferred music genres. The  choices were; pop, rock, rap, R’n’B, indie/alternative, heavy metal and classical. The most popular turned out to be pop (40.0%). This shows that the magazine I will design should revolve around a theme of pop.


The next question I asked in my survey was about how much the price of the magazine should be according to my audience. The choices were; less than £1.00, £1.00 – £2.00, £2.00 – £3.00, and more than £3.00. The choice with the most votes (80.0%) was £2.00 – £3.00. This shows that I should price my magazine within this range.


The third question in my questionnaire asked which artist(s) my audience preferred. The choices were Beyonce, One Direction, Lady Gaga, Florence + The Machine, Ed Sheeran, Eminem, and ‘other’. I included an ‘other’ box to see if my audience would give an other examples of preferred music artists which I could incorporate into my research. For the standard choices I picked music artists from different genres to give a wide variety. As this question could be answered with more than one answer the results were quite even. Beyonce, Lady Gaga and Florence + The Machine all came out on top with 40.0% each. Another 40.0% went to the other category, where my audience had individually voted for Alfie Boe (which I’d class as classical), Asking Alexandria (which I’d class as rock or metal), Blink 182 (which I’d class as rock) and Barbra Streisand (which I’d class as contemporary). This shows that I should involve information that relates to the most popular artists.


My fourth question asked how frequently my audience purchased music magazines. The choices were; usually once every few days, normally once a week, only once a month, less than once a month, and never not at all. The most popular choice was a tie between only once a month and less than once a month at 30.0% each. This shows that my magazine should be released in monthly or seasonly issues.


My fifth and final question was about my audience’s age. There were five choices of age groups, these being; 16 or under, 17-20, 20-30, 30-40, and 40+. The majority belonged to the age group 16 or under (40.0%). This shows that my magazine should be suitable for people that are 16 or under to read and be interested in.

Here I’ve created a short online questionnaire about music magazines. By doing this, I will gain a greater understanding of the public’s preferences concerning music magazines.
To take the questionnaire please copy and past the following link into the search bar: